Non-Boring History
Annette Aloud
Podcast: The First Day of the Blitz

Podcast: The First Day of the Blitz

How Do People Cope When Their World Suddenly Ends?

ADVISORY: This podcast contains descriptions of wartime violence that some listeners may find disturbing. Listener discretion is advised.

Stone building with large chunks taken out of it
Bomb damage to the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, preserved as a memorial to the Blitz. Image: Annette Laing, 2019

Podcast: 40 Minutes. Listen Now, or Download to Your Favorite App for Later, by clicking on “Listen in Podcast App” above right.

Did people really sing cheerful songs in the air raid shelters during the London Blitz? How did they cope? Annette riffs on the insights of historian Peter Stansky’s The First Day of the Blitz, and how it has both differed from and yet resonated with distressing days since, including during 9/11 and the pandemic.

The First Day of the Blitz is the podcast version of Annette’s original post at Non-Boring History, based on the work of Professor Peter Stansky. Read it here:

Non-Boring History
The First Day of the Blitz
Ben, Ed, and Vincent Go for A Drive in the Country. Saturday Morning, September 7, 1940 It’s clear and sunny. Perfect for a drive. Ben, Ed, and Vincent, all-American farm boys, decide on a day trip. They sense that something really big might happen in the city today, and they’ll have a clear view of it from out in the country. And if it never happens? T…
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Non-Boring History
Annette Aloud
Podcast versions of historian Annette Laing's Annette Tells Tales posts at Non-Boring History, read aloud in Annette's inimitable British accent.