Non-Boring History
Annette Aloud
PODCAST: American Tourists in Europe Become American (Part 2)
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PODCAST: American Tourists in Europe Become American (Part 2)

ANNETTE ALOUD Put Your Seatbelt On! Americans are Back in Europe, and These Travelers' Stories Are More Fascinating Than Ever.

Podcast: 60 minutes

Early steamship with sails
They’re baaack! Great Western, a transatlantic steamship by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, launched from Bristol, England, 1838. Image: Public Domain, wiki.

The American Revolution ends, and American travelers are back, visiting Europe. But if they’re not British, what are they? Continuing my riff on historian Daniel Kilbride’s Being American in Europe, 1750-1860

This is the podcast version of this Non-Boring History post:

Non-Boring History
American Tourists in Europe Become American (2)
How Long Is This Post? 7800 words, about 35 minutes. And it’s on the Non-Boring History website, in case now isn’t a good time…
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Part 1 of the podcast is here:

Non-Boring History
PODCAST: American Tourists in Europe Become American (Part 1)
Listen now (51 min) | PODCAST: 51 Minutes The rich colonial Americans who crossed the Atlantic in the 18th century considered themselves more British than the British. The Brits were not quick to agree . . . …
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