Showing off! That’s my theme for this newsletter. Hey, you can always put down your wineglass, look at your phone, say “Good Lord, is that the time?” and quietly make your way to the exit.
OR you can stick around and see what’s in it for you! (notguaranteeingthatanythingis)
Back to the Classroom . . . Virtually

Many of my readers here at NBH may not know this, but after I was a proper professor of history, and before I was writing for you, I was writing for and entertaining ten year olds!
All the same thing, really. Wait, did I say that aloud? Ahem.

ANYHOW, I've been a guest author in schools for the past 12 years. I don't just sit there and talk about my novels, you know. Perish the thought. I offer six rollicking programs on the Non-Boring History behind my books, for grades 3-12.
And most of my talks are now also available virtually.
Like on Zoom!
Learn more here (with cool pics and videos):
Know a school library media specialist, a classroom teacher (especially in grades 3-5) or a PTA parent? Please don't let me stop you from shoving this up their noses! 😂😂😂
Another Distinguished Historian Says Something Nice About Non-Boring History Without Being Paid
If you read Virginia Scrambled With a Side of Bacon, my most recent Tales post (about a populist revolt in America in 1676), here’s what Dr. Jim Rice, the author of the book on which it was based, has to say:
I thought that it was fantastic! I may have to borrow from your blog the next time I lecture on the subject 🙂
--James D. Rice, Walter S. Dickson Professor of English and American History and Chair, Department of History, Tufts University, and author, Tales from a Revolution: Bacon’s Rebellion and the Transformation of Early America (2012)
Lovingly Handcrafted by Annette
Clever and Charming Time-Travel Adventure — Kirkus Reviews
Looking for a holiday gift for your favorite reader (ages 9 to adult)? My very own Snipesville Chronicles series takes three unwilling young adventurers on an amazing journey, through Britain and America over three hundred years, from rich people’s mansions to coal mines, from 18th century forests to a middle-class home in WWII England. What does it all have to do with them, and the little town in which they live? Why is the past such a pain? How do you live in it?
Hurry for a personally-signed and discounted set of The Snipesville Chronicles in time for the holidays at Annette And get free shipping, too, with promo code NBH2021.
Our fairly friendly Customer Care Gnomes at Non-Boring House are standing by at their little keyboards!
Comeback Kids
Occasionally, some of my best posts go out on the wrong day, or otherwise didn’t get the attention I think they should. So here are three of them for a second chance, begging for your consideration.
When Franklin Roosevelt comes to visit a town in rural Georgia, bringing affordable electricity for the very first time, everyone’s excited.
What could possibly go wrong? Hold the President’s beer.
A thirtysomething couple move from Maryland to Indiana, and launch a successful business. Five years later? They’re bored. That’s why they take up vanlife, and drive all the way to California in search of new adventures. Good timing! It’s 1850, and Ledyard and Margaret Frink arrive right in time for the Gold Rush. Bad timing! There’s also a pandemic.